
  • GET /healthz or /health

curl localhost:5558/healthz



  • GET /metrics

Mirabelle metrics are returned as Prometheus format.


Add a stream

  • POST /api/v1/stream/<stream-name>

The body is a json string like {"config": "<stream-config>"}.

should be the stream EDN configuration as base64. For example {:actions {:action :info}} as base64 would be ezphY3Rpb25zIHs6YWN0aW9uIDppbmZvfX0=.

You can pass the :default option, like in the configuration, in order to specify if you want your stream to be used by default.

You can also set the :persist field to true in your stream configuration in order to persist it on disk. In that case, Mirabelle will write the stream configuration into the first directory referenced into the :stream {:directory ..;} configuration. The file name will be <stream-name>.edn.

Deleting a stream through the API will also delete its file on the filesystem.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data  '{"config": "ezphY3Rpb25zIHs6YWN0aW9uIDppbmZvfX0="}'

{"message":"stream added"}

List streams

  • GET /api/v1/stream/

List all streams configured in Mirabelle.

 curl localhost:5558/api/v1/stream

Get a stream

  • GET /api/v1/stream/<stream-name>

Get a stream configuration and the time of its index.

curl localhost:5558/api/v1/stream/trololo


Remove a stream

  • DELETE /api/v1/stream/<stream-name>

Delete a stream by name.

If the stream was created using the API (see Add a stream) and persisted on disk, this call will also deleted its configuration file.

curl -X DELETE localhost:5558/api/v1/stream/trololo

{"message":"stream removed"}

Push an event

  • PUT /api/v1/stream/<stream-name>

Push an event (or a batch of events) to the specified stream.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data '{"events": [{"service": "foo", "metric": 10}]}'


Prometheus remote write

  • POST /api/v1/prometheus/remote-write/<stream-name>

This endpoint can be used to send to a given Mirabelle stream Prometheus metrics. The Mirabelle endpoint should be configured into the Prometheus configuration file, for example:

  - url: 'http://localhost:5558/api/v1/prometheus/remote-write/default'

The metric name will be bind in Mirabelle to the event :service key, anc each label will be a key as well. The event :metric will contain the Prometheus meric value.

Opentelemetry traces input

  • POST /api/v1/opentelemetry/v1/traces/<stream-name>

This endpoint can be used to send Opentelemetry traces to Mirabelle. The HTTP transport (containing Protobuf body) should be used on Opentelemetry clients when pushing traces to Mirabelle.

Query the index

  • GET /api/v1/index/<steam-name>/search

Returns events matching the query for the index of the stream <stream-name>. The query passed in the body should be a where query.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"query": "Wzo9IDpzZXJ2aWNlICJmb28iXQ=="}'


Get an index current time

  • GET /api/v1/index/<stream-name>/current-time

Get the current time for an index

curl localhost:5558/api/v1/index/my-stream/current-time