
Mirabelle configuration

The Mirabelle configuration is defined in EDN. Here is an example configuration file:

{;; The Mirabelle TCP server. It's the server responsible for receiving events
 ;; using the Riemann format (protobuf).
 ;; the :key, :cert, and :cacert optional parameters can be set to enable TLS (the
 ;; parameters are path to the cert files)
 ;; The :event-executor-size optional parameter can be used to control the number
 ;; of threads for the TCP server (default to number of cores).
 ;; the :native? option can be used to enable epoll (on Linux) or kqueue (on mac or
 ;; freebsd), which should increase performances.
 :tcp {:host ""
       :port 5555
       :native? true}

 ;; The Mirabelle HTTP Server.
 ;; The :key, :cert, and :cacert optional parameters can be set to enable TLS (the
 ;; parameters are path to the cert files)
 ;; :basic-auth can be set and should in this case contain :username "user" and
 ;; :password #secret "password"
 :http {:host ""
        :port 5558}

 ;; The "real time" streams configuration.
 ;; The directories parameter is a list of directories containing streams definitions
 ;; The actions parameter can be used to define custom actions which can then
 ;; be used inside streams.
 :stream {:directories ["/usr/lib/mirabelle/streams/"]
          :actions {}}

 ;; outputs configurations.
 ;; The directories parameter is a list of directories containing I/O definitions
 :outputs {:write-file {:config {:path "/tmp/file"}
                        :type :file}

 ;; Logging configuration (
 :logging {:level "info"
           :console {:encoder :json}}

  ;; Directories containing test files
 :test {:directories ["dev/resources/examples/streams/tests/"]}}