Mirabelle 0.13.0
Released under the EPL-1.0
A stream processing engine inspired by Riemann.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[fr.mcorbin/mirabelle "0.13.0"]
Public variables and functions:
- above-dt
- action->fn
- aggregation*
- async-queue!
- async-queue!*
- below-dt
- between-dt
- bottom
- by
- by-fn
- by-get-field-fn
- call-rescue
- changed
- changed*
- clear-forks
- coalesce
- coalesce*
- coll-bottom
- coll-bottom*
- coll-count
- coll-count*
- coll-increase
- coll-increase*
- coll-max
- coll-max*
- coll-mean
- coll-mean*
- coll-min
- coll-min*
- coll-percentiles
- coll-percentiles*
- coll-quotient
- coll-quotient*
- coll-rate
- coll-rate*
- coll-sort
- coll-sort*
- coll-sum
- coll-sum*
- coll-top
- coll-top*
- coll-where
- coll-where*
- cond-dt
- cond-dt*
- custom
- ddt
- ddt*
- ddt-pos
- debug
- debug*
- decrement
- decrement*
- default
- default*
- default-aggr-finalizer
- dissoc-in
- duration->ns
- error
- error*
- ewma-timeless
- ewma-timeless*
- exception->event
- exception-stream
- exception-stream*
- expired
- expired*
- extract
- extract*
- fixed-event-window
- fixed-event-window*
- fixed-time-window
- from-base64
- from-base64*
- from-json
- from-json*
- gen-doc
- get-env-profile
- get-fork-and-gc
- get-window
- include
- increment
- increment*
- info
- info*
- io
- io*
- iterate-on
- iterate-on*
- keep-keys
- keep-keys*
- keyword->aggr-finalizer-fn
- keyword->aggr-fn
- log-action
- mean
- moving-event-window
- moving-event-window*
- moving-time-window
- moving-time-window*
- not-expired
- not-expired*
- output!
- output!*
- outside-dt
- over
- over*
- percentiles
- percentiles*
- project
- project*
- publish!
- publish!*
- rate
- ratio
- ratio-state-update
- reinject!
- reinject!*
- rename-keys
- rename-keys*
- scale
- scale*
- scondition*
- sdissoc
- sdissoc*
- sdo
- sdo*
- select-keys-nested
- sflatten
- sflatten*
- sformat
- sformat*
- smax
- smin
- split
- split*
- ssort
- stable
- stable*
- stream
- streams
- sum
- tag
- tag*
- tagged-all
- tagged-all*
- tap
- tap*
- test-action
- test-action*
- throttle
- throttle*
- to-base64
- to-base64*
- to-string
- to-string*
- top
- under
- under*
- untag
- untag*
- where
- where*
- with
- with*
Encodes and decodes Riemann messages and events, between byte arrays, buffers, and in-memory types.
Public variables and functions: